Sacramental Preparation

Sacramental Preparation

Preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion currently begins in the Autumn Term when your child enters Year Four.

We follow the Diocesan Sacramental Preparation Programme. This programme involves home, parish and school.

In the Autumn Term four RE lessons are devoted to the teaching of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. In the Summer Term four RE lessons are devoted to the teaching of the Sacrament of the Eucharist in preparation for the children receiving Holy Communion for the first time.

Alongside this, a parish programme for St. John the Baptist and St. Paul’s, led by catechists takes place monthly. This involves parents and children attending St. Paul’s Church one evening per month to work with the parish catechists on elements of the Mass. It is then expected that families attend one of the weekend Masses at either church following the catechist sessions.

Through this approach, school, home and parish support one another.

  • The role of the parents and carers: introduce faith to their children and support its development.
  • The role of the parish: engage candidates and their families in the life and mission of the parish community.
  • The role of the school: teach children to grow in knowledge and understanding of the mystery of God and the life and teaching of Jesus and his Church.

Children celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time during Advent and the First Holy Communion Masses are in May/June. Further details and exact programme details can be obtained from your parish priest or Deacon Rob Wareing at both parishes.