
The key learning priorities of the school, which are in response to the Primary Curriculum are:

  • Engaging learners in an exciting, challenging and creative approach to learning.
  • Application of numeracy and literacy skills to continually raise standards.
  • Making links with the community around us through enterprise and collaborative learning events.
  • Working creatively (incorporating expressive and creative arts and design technology).
  • Learning from the world around us (using the school grounds and surrounding area as well as regular educational visits and visitors).
  • Flexibility of topic and delivery to ensure identified gaps are closed and children’s learning powers are developed.

The curriculum is taught with the consideration of the needs of all our learners. Our curriculum is exciting and inspires children to nurture a passion for learning. Our timetable slots beyond English and Maths are dedicated to our purpose.

  • Assessment – through the teaching of key knowledge and skills , teachers are able to assess pupil outcomes against the Focus objectives. Outcomes in each subject are monitored and tracked. Both summative and formative assessment approaches are used.
  • Quality of Leadership– A team approach to Foundation Subject Leadership is encouraged with all teachers contributing. Most teachers have a curriculum subject to lead.
  • Monitoring Cycle – A cycle of monitoring takes place which include lesson observations, book scrutiny and learning walks. Pupil consultations and questionnaires are being developed across all subjects.

Early Years Foundation Stage
Art and Design